Channel: Mackenzie Johnson
Category: Music
Tags: cover songscuz i love youmackenzie johnsoncover versionsinger-songwriterhall & oateshead over heelspianoblinding lightsmusicspice girlslike thatnever gonna give you up80's musicrick astleycasio keyboardmini songsmaneaterdoja cattears for fearslizzotik tokthe weekndcasio beatssay soquarantinequarantunes
Description: Stream/Download my music here: Stream/Download "Breakthrough" & Pre-Save my next single "Your Gravity" here: I decided to make the most of this time at home with daily mini covers on my little Casio SA-46. Be sure to follow me on Instagram, Twitter, and Tik Tok so you don't miss a new one! Stay well, my friends. #miniquarantinecovers Instagram: Twitter: Tik Tok: @mackenziemusic26 Facebook: The songs of week 1: 1. Maneater - Hall & Oates 2. Head Over Heels - Tears For Fears 3. Say You'll Be There - The Spice Girls 4. Cuz I Love You - Lizzo 5. Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley 6. Like That - Doja Cat 7. Blinding Lights - The Weeknd