Channel: Mineworks
Category: Film & Animation
Tags: minecraftminecraft animationsteves adventuressteves adventures season 2minecraft songsteves adventures 2
Description: If you’re a video creator/Animator check out the Royalty Free Music from Game Bros! New Original Album Available now! - Oct, 2017 ►Watch Season 2 ep 1 now! - ►Download our Free app "2 Dragons" - ►FACTIONS SERVER IP: - Don't miss the Christmas Giveaway! ►Help us speed up production by donating! - - ►Download our Minecraft Parodies - Hey guys, Season 2 episode 1 is REALLY close to done, so we wanted to have a single video you all could catch up on season 1 with. Please like and share this video with any of your friends who play Minecraft! Also if download our game "2 Dragons", please leave a nice review on the app store. It's our first game, so we hope you all will enjoy it. We made 4 new songs for it , and have been working with a developer for 5 months to get it to this point. It's not done, yet and we are open to feature requests so just let us know what you want and we'll do our best to add it! Thanks again for all your continued support! we're hoping to make Season 2 of Steve's adventures our biggest project yet ,and all these side projects help us fund it without taking extra time away from the animation. We like this approach much better than Kickstarters or Patreon.