Channel: Gage Olin
Category: Entertainment
Tags: minecraftlets playlucky block racegage olin minecraftlast to surviveprankminecraft lucky blockgage olingagelucky block challengelast to survive minecraftminecraft challengelucky blockminecraft butgage1up minecraftgage1upmodded minecraftminecraft modslucky block battlechallengefunny
Description: Minecraft Lucky Blocks are blocks in Minecraft that do CRAZY stuff! ❤ Subscribe for upcoming videos here: ❤ More Funny Videos: 😎 Instagram - @gage1up Luke Jaxon Channel: We installed a Minecraft mod that gave us Lucky Blocks! When you break a Lucky Block it can give you powerful weapons, a bunch of diamonds, or spawn a giant zombie! At the end, Luke and I have to battle and see who wins! Who do you think will win? Follow us on Instagram! Luke Jaxon Instagram - @lukefullyloaded Carl and Jinger Instagram - @carl_and_jinger Galactavibe Gaming Instagram - @galactavibe