Channel: TapL
Category: Gaming
Tags: minecraftminecraft minigamestapple servercrazy uhcminecraft pvptapple uhctapple minecrafttapple eventsuhcultra hardcoreinsane minecrafttappletapl uhccompetitive minecrafttapl
Description: Minecraft, But The Item Drops Are Multiplied Every Time You Mine... Thanks for Watching! :D I appreciate all feedback and support :L! #MinecraftBut #MinecraftChallenge #Minecraft #TapL TAPL MERCH → TWITCH STREAMS → Twitter → Discord Server → Instagram → Snapchat → itstapl If you want to send me any packages, here's my PO Box! Be sure to send them over at: TapL 13428 Maxella Ave P.O Box #200 Marina Del Rey, CA 90292 United States This is a Minecraft 1.16 challenge where I am beating Minecraft as fast as possible (Minecraft speedrun) to beat the game! However, the twist is that I can fish structures. This is a "Minecraft, But" challenge, not beating minecraft but my friend tries to stop me AKA Minecraft Speedrunner VS Hunter AKA Minecraft Manhunt, Minecraft UHC, Minecraft PvP, nor Minecraft SMP. :L