Channel: Microsoft HoloLens
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: windows 10 holographicvirtual realityribaeducationwindows holographicwindows mixed realityaugmented realityholographic academymicrosoftwindows 10codingthree-dimensionalhololens videosix degrees of freedomwindows 3dmicrosoft 3dhololensdevelopmentmrhologramsmicrosoft hololenswindowsvr headsetsstirling awardmixed realityholographic computingar headsetsinside-out trackingdevelopermicrosoft holographicspatial mapping
Description: At the Royal Institute of British Architects Stirling Prize 2017 awards, finalists were able to view holographic, full-scale models of their award-nominated architecture projects using Trimble’s SketchUp Viewer on HoloLens. Learn more at: Subscribe to the Microsoft HoloLens YouTube channel at and our newsletter at