Channel: Microsoft HoloLens
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: windows 10 holographicvirtual realitywindows holographicaugmented realityholographic academymicrosofthrtfwindows 10codingunitythree-dimensionalspatial soundcreatehololens videomicrosoft videowindows 3dmicrosoft 3dappshololensdevelopmentmrproject origamihologramsmicrosoft hololensvr headsetshololens appsemulator3d audioholographic computingmixed realityar headsetsfuturemicrosoft holographicdeveloperholographic academy 101
Description: This is part 5 of a Holographic Academy course composed of 6 chapters that walks you through a complete project that introduces core Windows Holographic Platform features including: gaze, gesture, voice, spatial sound and spatial mapping using the Hololens Emulator. You can find this complete course at Subscribe to the Microsoft HoloLens YouTube channel at