Channel: Tyre Reviews
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: porschetestgt3 rsfastestmichelincup 2 rtyremichelin pilot sport cup 2 rtrack day992michelin pilot sport cup 2cup 2911handlingtrackbrakingtire
Description: Win your Dream Car with BOTB. There are two winners every single week and you only have to be 17 or over to enter! Tickets start from just 85p and there are over 180 cars to choose from. There's the chance to £20,000 cash in the boot as well! Win Your Dream Car Here 👉 It seems the dry lap times didn't render into the video for some reason, sorry! The average times were Cup 2, 73.1, Cup 2 R, 71.8. The Laps Cup 2: 65, 64.8, 64.7, 65.1 Cup 2 R: 63.2, 64.1, 64.2, 64.4 Follow me on instagram: The Michelin Pilot Sport Cup 2 is a well known track day tyre. Recently, Michelin announced the Cup 2 R which aims to take the epic dry track performance of the Cup 2, and make it even faster! But what penalty does that bring in the wet? In this test I had a full look at the tyres wet and dry lap times, along with the wet and dry braking performances of each of these crazy track day tires using a Porsche 911 GT3 RS. Music by