Channel: TheProfessional
Category: Gaming
Tags: stingersmichael saves his familygrand theft autofranklin clintongauntletsgta 5mr phillipsexpanded and enhancedparenting 101triadsbig oneronmeltdownpart 30michael de santalester crestplanning the big scoredevin westontrevor perspectivetrevor phillipsnew gamefunniest scenemission 61gta on ps5north yanktonsubtlemission 64mission 65mission 62mission 63lamar davismr chengbig scorecommentarygameplayfunny scene
Description: Part 30 of my playthrough of GTA 5 on the PS5. On this part Michael goes to his movie premiere but Devin sends a hit squad to his house. Support me on Patreon: Follow me on Twitter: