Channel: Aquachigger
Category: Entertainment
Tags: how totreasure hunting videoshow to basicshenandoah valleymetal detectingtreasure huntingfamily friendlyshenandoahthings to dooutdoor adventuremetal detecting for beginners#chiggsarmymetal detectormetal detectorswest virginiarelic huntingmetal detecting tips for beginnersfun videos#aquachigger
Description: Today Digger Bill and I set out to metal detect an old colonial-era homesite that he found some time ago. Although he has metal detected it a fair amount over time, we do find some interesting colonial-era artifacts and some oddities of nature. I hope you join us. About Aquachigger: I enjoy metal detecting for historical items like gold coins, relics, silver coins, and other buried treasures. I also metal detect for gold and silver nuggets and even meteorites. I like to make videos that promote my choice of lifestyle that includes outdoor adventure, metal detecting, yapping, searching for river treasure, SCUBA diving, exploring abandoned places, hiking, caving, caring for animals and pets, and observing the things outdoors that often go unnoticed by most people who are not familiar with outdoor adventures and nature. I keep my Youtube "Aquachigger" channel family-friendly and hope you subscribe if you like my style. BTW, you can also catch me here, ,but I may get a little edgier there. FB isn't a place for kids Affiliate links to see and purchase the gear I use: General Gear: T-Shirts: Garrett Metal Detectors: Follow the ChiggsArmy! My Patreon: Instagram: Facebook: Twitter: I hope to see you guys out there! #chiggsarmy #aquachigger