Channel: davidjellis
Category: Travel & Events
Tags: thrillridesrideholnemvolthungarytalepovthemercdbmesecsonakon-rideparkfairymontageoriginalfootageoldcoastersmesecsónakfilmancientboatvidamparkscenesonridedavidjellisbudapestcoasterrollerfunamusement
Description: Mesecsónak was a Fairy Tale boat ride that operated at the Vidámpark (now Holnemvolt) in Budapest, Hungary from 1922 until 2013. We were lucky to visit the park and enjoy the attractions in 2005 as part of the European Coaster Club's Rhapsody Tour. Here is a POV of this cute and very old boat ride that is sadly no longer with us. David Ellis - Roller Coasters, Thrill Rides and more Why not SUBSCRIBE and CLICK on the BELL to get notification of my new videos every weekend? Please share your thoughts or any questions about the video - I will do my best to reply promptly to all questions asked. More info about the park Follow me on Twitter