Channel: MESA/Boogie
Category: Music
Tags: crunchmesa tc50marshallplexitriple rectifierbritish amptc-100triple crowntc50 headmodern high gaintc50 rackmounttc50 combobritish high gaindual rectifiertc100mesa boogie triple crownmesa triple crownmesa high gainmesa rectifierhigh gain amprectojcm 800
Description: Ch. 3 of the Triple Crown™ TC-100 provides massive high gain potential, but it also offers a truly versatile range of lower and medium gain sounds for both rhythm and single-note playing. Andy Timmons offers up some great riffs in many styles to showcase the wide range of gain available from the TC-100 while Mesa’s Director of R&D, Doug West, dials in great Tones with insights for settings sweet spots throughout the range. Recorded with Andy’s signature Ibanez AT-100 with DiMarzio Cruiser neck and middle pickups and a Dimarzio AT-1 bridge pickup, through his pedalboard and into the Triple Crown TC-100 head and a 2x12 Rectifier Compact cab. Mic’d with a Shure KSM 313 and a Shure SM57 and blended 50% each. Be sure to check out the Ch. 2, Ch. 3 and 6V6 videos from this series covering the TC-100: For more info on the Triple Crown TC-100: And the 2x12 Rectifier Compact Series: Huge thanks to Andy for the time to capture these in-depth videos and his great playing and insights into Tone! Check out the latest from Andy here: