Channel: Firebase
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: pr_pr: firebasetype: animation (0-1 min)firebase developersdevelopersgoogle developershow to use messagebirdsend messages with messagebirdpurpose: educategooglegds: yesfirebase extensionsfirebaseintro to messagebirdfirebase developermeet an extensionfirebase extensionwhat is messagebirddevelopermessagebirdmessagebird tutorialseries: meet an extensionintroduction to messagebird
Description: Getting in touch with your users quickly is essential for many businesses. In today’s episode of Meet an Extension, we'll show you how you can connect Firebase with MessageBird to easily interact with customers over SMS or their favorite messaging app. Send Messages with MessageBird → Catch more from Meet an Extension → Subscribe to the Firebase channel → #MeetAnExtension product: Firebase - Extensions;