Channel: Adoration of the Cross
Category: Music
Tags: spainkingdom of heavenjerusalemda pacem dominesalve regina templarmedievalbaldintemplarcrusaderensemble organum
Description: Consider a gift for our channel : (you can donate as little as 1$ ): ---- Special thanks to our patrons on Patreon and SubscribeStar who have made this video possible. ---- Top Patrons: (10 $ or more donation) Darius Oliver, Patricia Blassingame, Randall Flagg, Lord Funkicus, unter Rhoades, Joseph Blain, George Sherratt, KiwiStalk James A Panter, Christophe, Kenneth, Jason Huang Akira: Lovecryption, Sir Gray, Borna Situm Nagy, Peter Hundy, Sham Wow Patrick Hewitt, Rafal Jedrasik, Logan Nighthorse, Christopher Delano Jason Roach, Ann Kellett ---- About the chant: "Pax in Nomine Domini" – Peace in the Name of the Lord – is a 12th century poem urging men to free both Spain and Jerusalem from the islamic control. In this song, the poet 'Marcabru' is calling out to all of those around them, and explaining their unfaithfulness to their Lord. Thus, the line, the only one written in Latin, is meant to demand attention. ----- Credit: This chant was performed by La Capella Reial de Catalunya - Grupe Sufi Al-Darwish - Hespèrion XXI / Artistic direction: Jordi Savall (C) Alia Vox ----- Lyrics in Latin and Occitan: Pax in nomine Domini. Fetz Marcabrus los motz el so. Aujatz que di: Com nos a fait, per so doussor, Lo Seingnorius celestiaus Probet de nos un lavador, C'anc, fors outramar, no'n fon taus, En de lai deves Josaphas: E d'aquest de sai vos conort. En Espaigna, sai, lo Marques E cill del temple Salamo Sofron lo pes El fais de l'orguoill paganor, Per que Jovens cuioll avol laus. El critz per aquest lavador, Versa sobre is plus rics captaus, Faitz, faillitz, de proeza las, Que non amon Joi ni Deport. Desnaturat son li Frances, Se de l'afar Dieu dizon no, Qu' ai comes. Antiocha, Pretz e Valor Sai plora Guiana e Peitaus. Dieus, Seigner, al tieu lavador, L'arma del comte met en paus: E sai gart Peiteus e Niort, Lo Seigner qui ressors del vas.