Channel: Random Golf Club Films
Category: Sports
Tags: golf challengebreak 90golf videon0thingprofessional gamertexasrgcealgolfround of golfhow to fix your slicepga professionalaustingolf vloggolf podcastcaliforniaerik anders langgolf tournamenterik langus opensan diegoeal golfrandom golf clubcourse vloggolf tipscounter strikeglobal offensivepro gamerjordan gilberthow to play golfhypeace camfyperic langcs go
Description: Pro gamer and avid golfer Jordan “n0thing” Gilbert meets up with EAL to play two matches. One in real life, and one in a video game: PGA Tour 2K21. Starting his professional career over a decade ago, n0thing is one of the most celebrated CS:GO players to ever touch the game. Follow him on twitch: Featured RGC Apparel: Paradise Bucket Hat: Sticks Hoodie (Tan): Unreleased For more on Erik, all things Random Golf Club, merch, podcasts, news, and meet-ups go to and follow along at