Channel: Martin Solveig
Category: Music
Tags: tim minessbasketmartin solveigthe cataracshey nowofficialvideobasketballkylecaporal filmsplaygroundcaliforniasolviegtommie sunshinelos angelesmusic videohey now videosolveigkings of the playgroundcataracsofficial videoofficial music videobrazabellemartinclip hey nowmartin solviegclipdj carnage
Description: BUY ON iTUNES: Produced by Caporal Films Directors: Martin Solveig & Yeoram Kalfa Executive Production: Frederic Imbert & Bailey Kobe / Double Entente DP: Eli Born Graphics Artist: Tim Miness Line Producer: Cory Reeder 1st AD: Peter Gibson Edit & Grade: Mael Lenoir Styling: Kristin Bjorge Production Design: Michael Haase Property Master: James Stewart Carpenter: JP Gutierrez Hair/Make-up: Edica Casanova All Designs, including "Kings of the Playground" installation by Tim Miness Many thanks to our special guests: Petros Anastos-Prastacos, Tommie Sunshine, Tim Miness, Quentin Belarbi, Brazabelle, Brick, Justine Cerboneschi, David Shama, Anastasiia Chorna, Derrel Bullock, DJ Carnage, Josh Andriano, Frederic Imbert, Sarah Emmons, Lexi Contursi, Debbie Mise.