Channel: Marley
Category: Gaming
Tags: 1000 packsmarleys best of 2021one taprainbow six siegeacebest of marleymarley youtubedomr6vigilrainbow six siege best ofupdatereworkmarleyrainbow six siege funny momentsnerfrainbow six siege memesalpha pack openingcustardoperation high calibrenew operationrainbow six siege montagenew skinmarley montagethornsiegecheatingr6shighlightselite skinhackernew operatorsmarley highlightsbest of 2021black icebuff
Description: 2021's best and funniest Marley moments in Rainbow Six Siege! WAFFLERS, LIMITED EDITION MERCH OUT NOW! - Enjoy this 2 hour compilation of 2021 Rainbow Six Siege funny moments on the Marley channel. Thanks for an amazing year and I can't wait to keep up the waffling with more content in 2022! :) Follow me: Twitter - Twitch - Instagram - Support the editors featured in this video. They've all worked really hard to make each video special! @Razencro @Choofy @rabbitparadise Another special thanks to Justine for the amazing thumbnail art over the year. And thanks to anyone reading this. I appreciate your support so much and hope any of these moments have improved your mood even a little bit. :)