Channel: Salomondrin
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Tags: vehicle virginsdaily vlogslamborghinisolana0-60mphjay leno's garagegrand tourjay lenos garageeconimicsaccelerationethereumtop gearvlogsreviewpodcastjucafirst drivemr jwwtutorialcarfectionhyper 5funnyroad testmotor trendmo vlogsreal estateexhaustferraristock marketentrepreneurshipgary vaynerchukcryptosalomondrinbuzzfeedvideosalomundogaryveestreetspeed717hit it pedrojoe rogannftcar throttlebangin gearsbitcoin
Description: Tomorrow is a very important day around the world. The FED is coming out to tell us what their further plan is in order to "control inflation". Make sure you are on the right side of the trade!