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Mark, You're a Star MAP - Part 13

Duration: 00:12Views: 21.3KLikes: 2.1KDate Created: Jun, 2020

Channel: Jam Campasta

Category: Film & Animation

Tags: markiplierjamcampastamap partcampastawho killed markiplieractor!markamvdamienmulti animator projectin nobody's eyes but mineanimationmayor damienpart 13andy you're a starjamjam campastapmvwkmjam-campastamark you're a staractor markmapmark fischbachdamien wkm

Description: LINK TO THE FINISHED MAP: youtu.be/8FiN86s-PIw So this is my first time putting a map part together with After Effects so? The timing might be a bit weird? lol idk ANYWAY, this part is for a PMV map, so the pictures won't all be moving in the full video but I just wanted to edit them together just for me cause I can :) Song: Andy You're a Star - The Killers Art program: FireAlpaca Editing program: Adobe After Effects

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