Channel: Kevin Nealon
Category: Comedy
Tags: marie osmondoperabarbie dollcomediansthe talkosmond brothersweedsnutrisystemsaturday night livelee strasbergolive osmondkevin nealonchildren's miracle networkdonny osmondcomedyhikingthe osmondssnldonny and marieelvis presleybob hopenealonpaper roseschathiking with kevinman with a plansugar
Description: Marie Osmond hikes with Kevin Nealon in the canyons of her old hood. Marie chats about her tour with her brothers, performing in Vegas with Donny at the Flamingo Hotel and Casino, Utah, being a mother, not being a girly girl, staying in shape, being comfortable with guys, her favorite spot in her house, her first concert, memories of her first performance, backstage abuse, Nutrisystem, her diet, meeting Elvis Presley, wrapping up their show in Vegas, losing all their money, her upcoming films, stumbling upon a rattlesnake, Barbie, Children's Miracle Network, her grandchildren, her house burning down, her favorite movie, falling in love, losing her friends to drug overdoses, working hard, singing opera plus more...