Channel: MacRumors
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: apple march 8 eventapple spring event 2022macbook air 202227 imacm1 max mac minimac miniapple spring eventipad air 5 release dateipad air 5 leaksapple march event 2022ipad air 2022march eventipad airapple march 8th event2022 apple eventiphone se 3apple event 2022iphone se 3 2022m2 macbook airiphone se 3 release dateapple march eventapple m2 chipmac mini 2022apple eventipad air 5imac pro
Description: Apple today announced that it will be holding its first event of 2022 on Tuesday, March 8 at 10:00 a.m. Pacific Time at the Steve Jobs Theater on the Apple Park campus in Cupertino, California. As with the 2021 events, Apple's first event of 2022 will continue to be a digital-only gathering with no members of the media invited to attend in person due to the ongoing public health crisis. Follow MacRumors Follow Dan -