Channel: Growing Forever
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: insurancefinancial freedommanifest meditationmanifest affirmationsattractpowerful affirmationsretirementgratitude meditationmake money onlinesleephappinessmanifest abundanceattraction affirmationswealthreceivewhile you sleepgrowing forevermanifesthealthaffirmationspassive incomemanifest wealthguided meditationi ammoneymillionairemind powersubconscious mindlaw of attractionaffirmation videoi am affirmationsfinance
Description: You can manifest ANYTHNG - wealth, health, passive income, and happiness. Thoughts become things with these powerful law of attraction affirmations. This affirmation / meditation video will change your mind set into one of health, prosperity, and abundance. Program your subconscious mind power to use the law of attraction and attract anything. Manifest ANYTHING You Desire - Abundance Affirmations While You Sleep - Law of Attraction. These affirmations were recorded exclusively for the Growing Forever YouTube Channel. For best results, listen daily for at least 30 days. Subscribe Today, Grow Today: The First 60 Powerful Affirmations: My dreams are manifesting before my eyes. I am worthy of love, happiness, and joy. It is ok for me to have everything I want. I am open and receptive to all that life offers me. I make good choices that lead to desired results. I welcome an unlimited source of income and wealth into my life. I am constantly striving to raise my vibration through good thoughts, words, and actions. I am worthy of attracting my dreams. Everything works out perfectly for me. I am creating my dream life. I am worthy enough to manifest my deepest desires. All that I seek is already within me. I find comfort in change, and in new beginnings. I create my life experience. The Universe provides me with all that I will ever need. When I raise my vibration, I attract more of what I desire. I have the courage to walk my own path, and follow my dreams. I am smart, creative, and motivated. I can manifest anything. I am moving in the direction of my dreams. Achieving what I want is effortless. Being successful comes easily to me. I receive abundance in expected and unexpected ways. I live an abundant life, and my dreams are coming true. I now release any fears or limiting beliefs I may have about manifesting. I am worthy of love, abundance, success, happiness and fulfillment. Creative energy surges through me, and leads me to new and brilliant ideas. I have a powerful ability to visualize things that I desire. I manifest my perfect world. My efforts are being supported by the universe. I am grateful for the abundance in my life. I receive infinite, inexhaustible, and immediate abundance. My soul is ready to manifest, and live the life of my dreams. I am in complete alignment with my inner self. My life unfolds beautifully before me, and I navigate my path with ease. I possess the qualities needed to be extremely successful. I manifest abundance, and it feels completely natural. Opportunities arrive at the right time in the right place. Unexpected doors open for me. Money is simply energy. I am a magnet for wealth. Every day, I am moving towards my best life. I welcome abundant opportunities and success. Faith in my future lifts me higher and higher. I surround myself with positive and genuine people who help me manifest my goals. My desires manifest quickly and easily. All the pieces of my life fall perfectly into place. Everywhere I look, I see opportunities to bring more wealth into my life. Everything feels so right, I am on the right path. I love myself, I support myself, and I believe in myself. I deserve to make my dreams come true. I am confident in my ability to create the life I desire. My dreams easily manifest into reality. I have been given endless talents, which I now utilize. I attract the life of my dreams. I am worthy of the energy of wealth and abundance. I think powerful thoughts, I take powerful action, and I achieve powerful results. I receive abundance with grace and gratitude. I am a magnet for money, wealth is easily drawn to me. I succeed in achieving all my goals. Music licensed from Audio Jungle. Manifest ANYTHING You Desire - Abundance Affirmations While You Sleep - Law of Attraction. Thank you for watching Growing Forever.