Channel: UnsleevedMedia
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: ajsachermtgaj sacherccgpro tourmagic the gatheringmagic cardsmagic: the gatheringfeminismmagic prosmtg headquartersmtgheadquartersmagic card game
Description: Maybe If AJ would of just respected women just a little more maybe this would not of happened. Her Take- His Response- #MagicTheGathering Our aim is to be the single largest magic the gathering channel on youtube, with no exceptions. We're going to bring you everything from unique box openings, limited deck techs and much more! As an update, we are not the largest non-corporate magic the gathering youtube channel out there. If you like MTG, subscribe! To Subscribe MTGHeadquarters: Check out my website: To find me on Twitter: Find me on