Category: Education
Tags: exameducationactgovernmentpsiconstablecrpcgujaratipckaydo
Description: Here in this video you will learn Magisterni Hakumat topic of Fojadari Adalat ane kacherioni rachna, Fojdari karyriti sanhita CRPC 1973 act for Gujarat police PSI, Constable Exams, Kaydo Lecture in Gujarati, Gujarat Police exam Most Imp Kaydo we are providing video materials for all competitive exams like PSI, constable, GPSC, TET, TAT, IBPS, class 3, clerk, Talati etc. So watch complete video to start preparation for Gujarat police exam. If you like the video please like and share also subscribe the YouTube Channel for next video's. You Can Download the kachhua app For more demo video's And call on 9662523399 Stay Healthy, Keep learning, Stay home, save your family. #IPC #kaydo #IPC_1860 #Indian_Penel_code_1860 #Gujarat_police_Constable_exam_materials #Police_Constable_law_material #Gujarat_police_PSI_exam_materials #Police_PSI_law_material #ipc_1860 #MostimpKaydolectureingujarati #bharatnubandharan