Channel: Little Big Shots
Category: Entertainment
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Description: While remaining safe at home, Aidan has been entertaining his sister and her stuffed animals with his magic tricks. » Subscribe for More: » Stream Anytime: LITTLE BIG SHOTS ON SOCIAL Like Little Big Shots on Facebook: Follow Little Big Shots on Twitter: Follow Little Big Shots on Instagram: Find Little Big Shots trailers, full episode highlights, previews, promos, clips, and digital exclusives here. NBC ON SOCIAL: YouTube: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: ABOUT LITTLE BIG SHOTS From Ellen DeGeneres, Melissa McCarthy and Ben Falcone comes a show that celebrates a new generation of remarkable young people: Little Big Shots. In a completely reimagined new season, Melissa meets with some of the most inspiring and hilarious kids from all corners of the globe. They will take us into their world, share their remarkable stories and show us the incredible talents that set them apart. It’s a celebration of how resilient, funny and inspiring kids can be when we allow them to be unabashedly themselves. They may be little, but their hearts are big. Magician Aidan Has Been Using His Time at Home to Learn a Few New Tricks - Little Big Shots Little Big Shots