Channel: Vloggery
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: emmablackerylush xmasblackeryvloggerylush haulemmalush christmas haul 20172017lush christmaslushlush halloween
Description: This is a collection of (almost) all of the products, new and repeated, available for Halloween and Christmas from Lush! Here's to four consecutive years, each with longer and longer videos each time. Whoops. Donation pledge: Whenever I make a haul video, or see others in the community spending a ton on products and showing them off, I am reminded of how fortunate creators are to be able to afford them without worry. Some of the things I consider to be 'cheap' would be completely unaffordable for so many others. I have decided that each time I make a video essentially celebrating me spending money, I will be donating a fee of £50 or more to The Trussell Trust, a charity that sets up and funds food banks across the UK, so that those in need can access food without having to worry about being out of pocket. Proof, if needed: Please consider donating to The Trussell Trust here: Equipment I use: Camera: Lens: