Channel: Dot2Trot's Low Carb Living
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: keto tortillasdot2trot low carb livingdot2trot low carb cookingthrive market reviewthrive market tortillasketo enchiladas recipelow carb recipeketo mexican recipessalsa verdelow carb enchiladaketo enchiladasketo cooking youtubethrive marketketo cookingketo mexican foodlow carb dietlow carb enchilada recipeketo mexicanlow carb enchiladaslow carb tortillasdot2trot
Description: Ok, this is the Holy Enchilada for low carbers. Yes! You CAN have low carb enchiladas. The grain-free tortillas are sold by Thrive Market, and they absolutely rock. The dish as a whole is very low carb, compared to normal enchiladas, and you can easily modify it according to your goals. 🔗Check out my Amazon store. New stuff all the time! 🖨Printable Recipe (Includes non-roasted Salsa Verde recipe and my Taco Seasoning recipe): 🔗Links: Thrive Market: Roasted Salsa Verde (for those who want more challenge): Disclaimer: Some or all links listed on this page are affiliate links for products that I’ll earn a tiny commission on per-sale. The cost to you, if you buy anything, is absolutely nothing.