Channel: Riley Biederer
Category: Music
Tags: diamondsriley rihanna covershape of youriley diamondsriley biederer covermadilyn baileycoverthe voice rileyrihanna coverrihanna riley biederercassidy walesrihanna biedererbiederer love on the brainkellyclarksonargsophiascottmusiclove on the brainthe voiceriley the voiceriley love on the brainriley coverlittle mixericka guitronriley biedererrihannarihanna rileyraphael barbosamacy katebiederer covered sheeranriley
Description: Hellllooo! So i've been wanting to do this video for a while now and finally got around to doing it! It was one quick, live, take, I KNOW its not perfect but something felt cool about doing it really raw like this so here ya go :) I hope ya'll enjoy it, if you do, SHARE & LIKE. Thanks for listening! XO Much love, Riles STAY IN TOUCH: Website: iTunes: YouTube: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Snapchat: rbiederer PRODUCTION CREDITS: VIDEO - Directed, Filmed & Edited: David Duong with Visual Artist Pixelslick Design and Photography