Channel: Poet Plays
Category: Gaming
Tags: playraptormodpre-historiclptrexfossilsembryotyrannosaurusfossils and archaeologydeinonychusfeathersfossils and archeologymosasaurusdinosaurdinospoetendopoetplaysarcheologydinorevivalfossilancientt-rexmammothsvelociraptorspinosaurusjurassicgameplayminecraftmobspartdinosaurspaleontologytriassicarchaeologyminecraft dinosaurspoetankylosaurusacademyparkgreatestdilophosaurlet's playstegosaurusjurassicraftraptorsdodocretaceousprehistoric1.12.2
Description: Minecraft brings Dinosaurs back to life as we explore JurassiCraft and Fossils and Archaeology mods, with custom mobs, dimensions, science, dinos, and more! We start out in the woods, raiding a lost temple then head back to hatch more baby dinosaurs! ▶ Want to support the park? Become a Patron! ▶ SHIRTS! ▶ Twitter: Minecraft Server Hosting for this episode graciously provided by BisectHosting Use Promo code "PoetPlays" to get 25% off ALL servers! Minecraft Dinosaurs! Jurassic Park in a blocky world. JurassiCraft 2.1.23 Fossils and Archaeology Revival Mod 1.12.2 build 8.0.5 Atum 2 on 1.12.2 Also using Bibliocraft 2.4.5 and TelePads #dinosaurs #minecraftdinosaurs #minecraft #jurassicraft