Channel: kruzer
Category: Gaming
Tags: destiny 2 pvp montagedestiny 2 trials of osirisdestinydestiny 2 titandestiny 2 new linear fusion riflelorentz driver catalystdestiny 2 beyond lightnew exotic destiny 2destiny 2 competitvelorentz driverdestiny 2 updatearbalestdestiny 2 pvpwarlockseason of the lostdestiny 2 new seasondestiny 2 cruciblehunterdestiny 2 exotic armordestiny 2 witch queendestiny 2 lorentz driverdestiny 2 shadowkeepnew season passdestiny 2 exotic weapons
Description: Lorentz Driver is taking over Destiny 2 in Season of the Lost Use code "KRUZER" for 10% off Advanced! - DESTINY 1 in 2020... - bungie is bringing this sniper back (the long walk) - Lorentz Driver is a new exotic linear fusion rifle Bungie introduced in Season of the Lost in Destiny 2. Lorentz Driver is already one of the best linear fusion rifle Destiny 2 alongside the Arbalest and Queenbreakers Bow. Do you like this new exotic in Destiny 2 or not? This just came out in Destiny 2 Season of the Lost new season on August 24 2021. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Business Contact: #kruzer #destiny2 #destiny