Channel: Team Darkside
Category: Gaming
Tags: hhhow totdslsdiablosmhriserathianbariothnargacugazinogreps4teostracapcomshara ishvaldamhworldenglishspeedrunanjanathnewarch temperedmonster hunter risegreat swordmh4usmall barreltigrexmhwgone wrongmonster huntericebornebowrajangplaystationmomentsnergigantehunting horndeviljhotutorialmultiplayerfailsfunnymizutsunealatreonrathalossoloxboxlong swordgsbrachydiosbest buildssbbpcteam darksidemonster hunter worldonlinerise
Description: Monster Hunter Rise made the Iai Spirit Slash a lot stronger than it used to be in MHW Iceborne. On top of that, for the first time it could be triggered with a Small Barrel Bomb. After our 4P run we also wanted to showcase one solo. Stay tuned for several Iceborne videos coming soon! Enjoy! Team Darkside: ► Patreon: ► Discord: ► Twitter: ► Twitter: ♬ Music ♬ Tension Rising (Reaper's Revenge)