Channel: LoliRock
Category: Entertainment
Tags: magicsongspelliriscartoontaliaconcertpopmagicalaurianamusicsingprincessevillolirockkids
Description: Mephisto and Praxina decide to get oracle gems the exact same way the princesses do, by helping people. But they’re lousy at it… and decide to make a monster that will put people in danger, thus requiring those people to be “helped”. It backfires, however, when the monster shrinks down Praxina and sticks her on his belt, putting HER in danger, leaving Mephisto with no choice but to seek out the princesses and beg for help. Though Talia is reluctant to help, Iris finds herself dragged into the situation when Nathaniel is shrunken and scooped up by the monster. The princesses fight the monster, but when Talia and Auriana each end up shrunken by the monster, it’s up to Iris to team up with Mephisto to conjure a spell strong enough to defeat the monster. LoliRock : Season 2, Episode 2 - If You Can't Beat Them 💖 FULL EPISODE! 💖 💖Let us know if you enjoyed this video by giving it a big thumbs up and what video you want to see next! Guess what?! LoliRock Season 1 & 2 are available on Amazon Prime Video! Click the links below to watch now: 📲 📲 🇫🇷LoliRock Français - Official Channel: 🇮🇹LoliRock Italiano - Canale Ufficiale: ✨We're on TikTok! ✨Follow us on Twitter! ✨Like us on Facebook: Want more of LoliRock? Then subscribe so you don't miss a single video- or spell! #LoliRock