Channel: RiffShop
Category: Music
Tags: copsfilthy frankpewdiepielolli metalprozdone piecebetter not beat that meatshotaconjubyphonicleeandliemangadoki doki literature clubmy hero academiadeath notecaleb hylesattack on titanweaboo metalboku no picogiggukpokemonjacksepticeyeyuriakidearestloliconfbielsie lovelocknathan sharplost pausenarutoraon leedragon ball zlolior30riffshoploli metallolimetallolicopspellekanimesailor moonjonathan young
Description: Wanna learn how to SCREAM or SING for free? Sign Up for our free four-part screaming or singing crash courses! Singing ►►► Screaming ►►► --- Subscribe For More Weeby Metal!: Download the song here!: To LEWD or NOT TO LEWD. That is the question. Elsie Lovelock (Clean Vocals): Matt Fisher (Screams) : LYRICS: (Lolicon Chant) L-O-L-I-C-O-N adorable girl that’s me! You can pat my head and pinch my cheeks, But you better not beat that meat COME ON YEAH! L-O-L-I-C-O-N adorable girl that’s me! You can pat my head and pinch my cheeks, But you better not beat that meat Oniichan lets play the game where And turn off all the lights! And take a bath together like we always do! KYAAH! (Screams) WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU WATCHING, THIS IS THE FBI. YOU SICK MINDED FUCK. DON’T YOU LEWD THE LOLIS, THEY’RE KIDS! YOU ARE NOW ON OUR WATCH LIST! Popsicles! Love popsicles! sucking on cherry popsicles. But my favorite flavor is you. UGUUU WAHH!! (Screams) MOTHER FUCKER. JUST STOP RIGHT THERE. WE THE LOLICOPS THAT SERVE AND PROTECC SO YOU LIKE EM YOUNG? HOW ABOUT 10 YEARS to LIFE IN JAIL This movie’s scary Oniichan, hold me don’t let go. My hips are moving on their own / Look at this Cute bear on my underwear I hear you like Boku No Pico? Look at my Sharp tooth smile and swim suit style, what rhymes with MEDOPHILE? COME ON YOU SICK FUCK CHRIS HANSEN (SCREAMS) L-O-L-I-C-O-N adorable girl that’s me! My Chest is Flat, But yet you fap, the cops are on their way to your house. YOUR HOUSE