Channel: MusicTechHelpGuy
Category: Education
Tags: studiosynthesizermodulationes2musictechhelpguydubstepsidechainrhythmic effectslogic xtremolologic 10.7logic pro 10.7electronichumittutorialsynthesisside chainrhythmicrhythmdistortdistortededmdubsyntheffectseffectlogic prologic pro xwarpedwarped effectssound designlogicwarp
Description: In this video I demonstrate one of my favorite modulation effects for rhythmic, warped side chain effects, using the ES2 and the Tremolo plugin in Logic Pro. Enjoy! Tune in to humit ( and discover tunes curated by us, your friends, and all the music lovers on the internet. find it, hear it, humit. What's keeping you from humming? Download the Logic project used in this video here: #logicpro #synthesizer #humit 0:00 Intro + Sponsor Segment 1:09 ES2 Hammer Lead 3:35 SC Modulation Setup 7:13 Tremolo + Reverb 8:57 Additional Loops 9:51 Final Result