Channel: hardknocktv
Category: Music
Tags: studiofreestyle44 morenick huff barilijapanrecordingkeanu reevesone daylost in translationhomicidebobbysworldcommandobobbyyoung jesuswu tang foreverclickbaitlimitlesscoadmhard knock tv1-800ratpackcontradocumentary5amjoyner lucasstill ballintake it backhardknocktvall i dotokyoblack spidermanunder pressurethese daystattooslogicnick huffyoung sinatraeminem
Description: Hard Knock Tv's Nick Huff Barili flew to Japan with Logic a year ago. In this episode Logic takes us along to get two Tattoos: "Rat Pack" and "Lost in Translation". Make sure you subscribe to be notified when new episodes drop! Hard Knock TV Podcast on Apple Hard Knock TV Podcast on Spotify