Channel: Sean Angus Watson
Category: Music
Tags: guitar loopingelectric guitarlayered guitartoneloop pedallooperbest tonelive loopingguitar looplooplooper pedallive looping guitar4 chord songsean watsonguitar toneloopinglaney l5 studiogeneric pop songsolo guitarsony a7slooping guitarguitargibson sgclean guitar toneguitar looperloop guitarfour chord songsolo guitar player
Description: Here's a pop jam on the classic chord progression, I - ii - vi - IV. Looped it with a TC Electronic Ditto. Recorded with a Laney L5 Studio into Ableton Live 10. Shot on a Sony A7s. Have you listened to either of my albums? They're both on all the major streaming services and stores. Here's the spotify links! Hit me up with any questions in the comments and I'll get back to you soon!