Channel: Rebecca Stout
Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: wolfysluvdancing birdtraveling with a birdcockatoo misses his brotherumbrella cockatoocockatoo visits his brotherchet happensonni cockatoocockatoochet and onnichet hapoensonni and chetboy and cockatoocockatoo happy to see ownerbirdfunny birdscockatoo soundsrebecca stouttalking birdparrot
Description: We took Onni Cockatoo on a visit to see his brother. It was a short one. Too short. And boy did he let us know about it "THINK OUTSIDE OF THE CAGE". Not just for your companions but for yourself. Explore enjoy, and enrich your life, take it all in! Follow Onni's antics at Onni loves and appreciates correspondence! Onni Bird Stout 5928 Hixson Pike suite A-188 Hixson, TN 37343 Anything sent to him will be featured in videos. Read my Birds USA article!! Be safe! Aviator Harness: Flight Suit (bird diaper by Avian Fashions): Oh yeah, have fun browsing Onni's cool little store! ***Make sure that if you get a pet bird they are from a shelter or are captive bred***