Channel: Tom Zebra
Category: Nonprofits & Activism
Tags: liars in pursuittom zebralapdslow speed pursuit
Description: Liars in Pursuit - "Rifle In The Trunk" Police could have killed this (innocent until proven guilty)man and it would have been justified. Even the innocent little girl LAPD killed in Burlington Coat Factory IS justified. Oh, did I give the result of that investigation years before it was released? Sorry to bring the bad news. Regardless of the fact that LAPD and every other police agency will always approve the senseless killing of little girls, do they have to tell the most obvious lies repeatedly as if nobody will notice? Well I guess they have a point. Either nobody notices or nobody cares. Did anybody else bother to mention they lied about the gun in the waistband? Or the gun in the trunk? I didn't watch them search the trunk or look at videos that documented the search. You know why? No need to verify these guys can't tell the truth. It is a fact. Great job to the folks who showed up and saved this mans life. Hopefully he finds happiness and gets past this difficult time. #OnusNews #LauraShark