Channel: Poke Humor
Category: Sports
Tags: playsnowmanworldssquirtlekidbuildingpoke humorback to schooldinosaurslegolego buildingpokemon episodeschoolchildrenpokemon in hindianimationslego worldplaygroundstop motionpokemon gobrickcharmanderdinosaurfunnysports carparkkidsbricksfunny moviepokemon shieldtoyspokemoncartoonpokemon hindibulbasaurfor childrenfrozenwith friendsanimationpokemon swordolafdisneylego citypikachubrick buildingsportfun
Description: LEGO POKEMON SPORT SCHOOL for kids by Poke Humor! Lego Pokemon is a series about Pokemons in Lego World. Remember to drop a like button and be sure to subscribe so that you don't miss the next episode! Music: YouTube Audio Library Program: Blender 2.80 (render EEVEE)