Channel: Brictator
Category: Entertainment
Tags: mesoamerican archaeologymexico historysept 22 2013mar 14 2015march 14 15rain forestapocolypseконец светаyucatan history世界末日3 14 15voyage of the mimiprophecynubuatstep pyramidslego indiansdecember 21 201212 21 2012mayan calendar14sep 21 20139 30 13 9 30 2013예언lego aztecaztecincaslego series 9ancientmarch预言amazonlego jungleapril 15 2015пророчество2015lego series 10pyramid世の終わり3 14 2015inconvenient truth
Description: It's December 22, 2012, one day after the world was supposed to end according to the ancient Maya long count calendar. Deep in the heart of the Yucatan jungle, Mayan priests who predicted the end of the world are in the hot seat. The Chief has some tough questions for these calendar keepers.