Channel: Onnit
Category: Education
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Description: Whether you’re training or recovering, this workout from Kailee Foyle will get you through any lower-body focused day! ► Try Alpha Brain Free: ► Shop Onnit Kettlebells: | Kailee Foyle Leg Day Workout | A1)Barbell Back Squats 4 sets x 8 to 12 reps A2)Box Jumps to Depth Drop 4 sets x 5 reps B1)KB Long Stride Walking Lunges (suitcase hold) 3 sets x 10/10 B2)Heavy Kettlebell Swings 3 sets x 10 B3)Bodyweight Lateral Lunges 3 sets x 10L/10R reps 5 RFC (Rounds For Completion) 5/5 Dual Kettlebell Step Ups Tank Push x 20 yards 10 Glute Ham Curls 10/10 Single Leg Hip Thrust 🏋️♀️: @kfoylefitness | Follow Kailee Foyle | ► Instagram: ► YouTube: Musicbed SyncID: MB017R1S391RNCY #onnit #shorts #legday ============================================= | Connect with Onnit | ► Facebook: ► Instagram: ► Twitter: ► Pinterest: Our mission is to inspire peak performance through a combination of unique products and actionable information. Combining bleeding-edge science, earth-grown nutrients, and time-tested strategies from top athletes and medical professionals, we are dedicated to providing our customers with supplements, foods, and fitness equipment aimed at helping people achieve a new level of well-being we call Total Human Optimization.