Channel: John Windsor-Cunningham
Category: Entertainment
Tags: auditionmemoryadvicequickermnemonics.acting (website category)premiere_elements_11windsor-cunningham.comnew yorktipsactressesacting-coachactorshelpforgettingproblemhow to learn lines fasterhow-tonew york city (city/town/village)quick memoryfreelessons
Description: Another free video from New York acting-coach John Windsor-Cunningham, showing in this 2nd of 3 short films how to remember lines more easily. His brilliant method for remembering difficult words and names has helped people all over the world, from actors to people with Alzheimer's, and more free advice is available on his website He covers dozens of ways to take the pressure off remembering lines, and how to learn them faster, as well as on how to enjoy doing it!