Channel: CLIVE5ART
Category: Howto & Style
Tags: how to paint water with acrylichow toacrylic painting for beginners acrylic painting techniquesart tutorials#clive5artacrylic painting tutorialpainting with acryiliceasyacrylic painting for beginnersacrylic paintingpainting for beginnerspaintingstep by stepscale in acrylic paintingeasy acrylic painting tutorialpainting tutorialhow to paintpaint with acrylics for beginnershow to paint grass in acrylichow to paint woodlessons
Description: This is a full step by step Learn to Paint Beginners Acrylic Painting is easy to follow in acrylics let #CLIVE5ART show you step by step how an easy fun decorative art project Easy to follow every part of the painting process to get you a great finished painting. in a fun teaching lesson, using several reference sources to bring you a true teaching experience You can paint on any type and size of canvas you like. Standard brushes used during the lesson by various manufacturers #LandscapePainting #AcrylicPainting #clive5art Handmade Acrylic Paints By Clive can be purchased at CADMIUM RED, ALIZARIN CRIMSON, CADMIUM ORANGE, DIOXAZINE PURPLE CADMIUM YELLOW CERULEAN BLUE, PRUSSIAN BLUE, PHTHALO BLUE, ULTRAMARINE BLUE, VANDYKE BROWN, BURNT UMBER, RAW SIENNA, YELLOW OCHRE, HOOKERS GREEN, TITANIUM WHITE, ZINC MIXING WHITE MARS BLACK But you can use any colors you like. Wet Pallet Medium Mix Formula Liquid Clear Flow Improver Retarder Fine Mist Bottle Water distilled Roll of Kitchen Paper Towel Cup of Welsh Brew Tea Lessons are intended for private use only and are embellished with stories of general life subjects to make for an interesting experience a wide range of subjects will be discussed. reference sources mentioned above are used only as an education means and all paintings of the lessons are painted over or destroyed after filming all music is royalty free unless stated above with links to the composer Copyright info: Videos produced by clive powell (clive5art) these are intended for private use only by non-profit community, home and school groups. Please contact me for commercial/retail use licensing information. Feel free to embed the videos as is, but please do not alter, remove watermarks, re-upload or otherwise change the original video. Thank you. Lessons are intended for private use only and are embellished with stories of general life subjects to make for an interesting experience a wide range of subjects will be discussed. reference sources mentioned above are used only as an education means and all paintings of the lessons are painted over or destroyed after filming all music is royalty free unless stated above with links to the composer Copyright info: Videos produced by clive powell (clive5art) these are intended for private use only by non-profit community, home and school groups. Please contact me for commercial/retail use licensing information. Feel free to embed the videos as is, but please do not alter, remove watermarks, re-upload or otherwise change the original video. Thank you. Disclaimer: Some of the links above are affiliate links. Purchasing anything through these links helps to support this channel with no additional cost to you. I make every effort to source my reference from royalty free sites for my instruction and your enjoyment Reference Sites royalty free :-