Channel: Kamp Kenan
Category: Pets & Animals
Tags: petshow toeducationhabitatfloridareptilesulcata tortoiselagerthakenan harkindiypinkyactionanimalsnewsanctuaryturtlelizardsmonitor lizardfeedconservationscienceanimalvlogcamp kenancrocodilealligatorturtlesjumpingreptilessnakekampslinkyhungrytortoiseiguanafeedingbackyardlizardwildlifeinkylearnmonitorterrariumfoodfrenzykamp kenanwatchresponsefeeding frenzyfeed response
Description: The monitor lizards are so hungry their feed responses have them jumping for food. Watch Lagertha, Pinky, Inky and Slinky go on a feeding frenzy! Subscribe to kamp kenan: Visit Fluker Farms for deals on reptile food & gear: Follow Kamp Kenan: Website: Patreon: Join our KK Army channel: Check out our KK Playlists: Latest Uploads: Best Of Kamp Kenan Videos: Ultimate Reptile How To & Care Tutorial Playlist!: Kamp Kenan is the place for serious reptile lovers! We have tons of expert info on pet lizards, snakes, turtles, tortoise, sulcata tortoise, red foot tortoise, crocodiles, alligators and all sorts misunderstood creatures. We also love to learn from other animal experts who are happy to share knowledge about pets. We love reptiles & science and we know you do too. Animal conservation in the modern world matters, we're out there living it and doing it every day in Florida. This vlog is real life, Kenan Harkin's stories are real, and our sole purpose is education in action so that you can learn something new every day and one day perhaps get involved yourself. Let's create a new generation of educated reptile keepers & animal enthusiasts by spreading the love!