Channel: Marklinofsweden
Category: Entertainment
Tags: mbunerkescenerymodellbahnmärklinamazinghydraulicpecorailsdiyjecosjmodelhugerailwaybufferrocojärnvägeisenbahnmodellbaunärkefantasyrailroadfleischmanhydraulischer prellbocktabletoprpgunionbahnfilmlayoutbachmannminiaturelandscape
Description: Finally time for a Layout Update video! This video concludes the work with the switching yard and a milestone both for the Main Station and assembly of catanary (overhead wires) on the layout. The hydraulic damped buffers I use in available from MbU, Modellbahn Union and has item number MU-H0-A00360 and MU-H0-A00359. I found them here: The item numbers for the AMMO paints I use is: • 1stk Primer: AMIG 2022 (White) • 1stk Paint: AMIG 0048 (Yellow) • 1stk Paint: AMIG 0032 (Black) • 1stk Thinner: AMIG 2000 A BIG thank you to ModellBahn Union for sponsoring this layout update video! I OWN EXTENDED rights for the MUSIC used in this video. Title: The Illusionist (SS_7100031) Composer: Lydiane Benard (BMI) 100% Publisher: Sonic Desctop Publishing (BMI) 100% Licence: Authorized to synchronize the music in timed relation with other audio/visual content and display/perform such productions on multiple Internet websites, including video-sharing websites (such as Vimeo, Facebook, YouTube, etc.) and third-party websites, so long as the music portion of the media is not retrievable and extractable as an audio file (on its own or separate from the visual). The right to use SmartSound music on video-sharing websites includes the right to monetize or otherwise allow ads to be placed in conjunction with the video or to collect money from a video-sharing website for the performance or display of any video containing SmartSound music. Licence number provided on request.