Channel: Adoration of the Cross
Category: Music
Tags: chant of the templarsmarcel peresistanbulbyzantine chantdivinagreek chantlament for constantinopleorthodox chantfall of costantinopleensemble organum
Description: Consider a gift for our channel : (you can donate as little as 1$ ): ---- Special thanks to our patrons on Patreon and SubscribeStar who have made this video possible. ---- Top Patrons: (10 $ or more donation) Darius Oliver, Patricia Blassingame, Randall Flagg, Lord Funkicus, unter Rhoades, Joseph Blain, George Sherratt, KiwiStalk James A Panter, Christophe, Kenneth, Jason Huang Akira: Lovecryption, Borna Situm Nagy, Peter Hundy, Sham Wow Patrick Hewitt, Rafal Jedrasik, Christopher Delano - Salem H Jason Roach, Ann Kellett, SPUD, Le V, Simeon Mallette ---- About the chant: One of the most traumatic events in Christian history with lasting repercussions to this day for Greek-speaking people in particular, Constantinople’s fall to a multi-confessional, multi-ethnic army led by the ottomans. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan sealed his long-stated desire to restore the historic Hagia Sophia as a working mosque on Friday, opening the magnificent Byzantine structure built in the sixth century as the world’s largest cathedral to thousands of Muslim worshipers for the first time in nearly nine decades. ----- This chant is performed by Nektaria Karantzi Facebook page of the artist: ----- Γιατί πουλί μ΄ δεν κελαηδείς πως κελαηδούσες πρώτα Για πώς μπορώ να κελαηδώ Με κόψαν τα φτερούδια μου με πήραν τη λαλιά μου Μας πήρανε μπρ’ αμάν την Πόλη μας Μας πήρανε μπρ’ την Πόλη μας την Πόλη μας και την Αγια-Σοφιά μας Κλαίγει πικράν η Παναγιά