Channel: LAC TV
Category: Entertainment
Tags: how to buildhave to seeoddly satisfyingconstruction toyssatisfying and relaxingmagnets#magnetballslego magnetmagnet ballscreative magnethow to makemagnet satisfactionmagnetdo it yourselfsatisfying magnetic ballsmagnetballssatisfying videosmust seediymagnetic ballsrainbow magnet100 satisfactionmagnetic art
Description: LAC TV - DIY - Build Amazing Rainbow Castle From Magnetic Balls (Satifying Video) In today's video I want to show you how to make Amazing Rainbow Castle from Magnetic Balls and Trees Model! It's pretty simple. :) Please leave a comment if you have any ideas that you want to make/build with Magnetic Balls, please tell us, we will try to make it. Thank you. #magneticballs #magnetballs #magnetic Like , Comments video and Subscribe channel. Thank you. * Subscribe LAC TV: LAC TV