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LA, Disney, & Malibu Vlog l emmmatravels 004.

Duration: 42:58Views: 9.9KLikes: 709Date Created: Nov, 2021

Channel: emmmabooks

Category: People & Blogs

Tags: readerbookbooktube friendsreading vlogbook recommendationsbook recsemmmabooksbooktubersemma giordanobooktube collablos angelesmonica kimthe mortal instrumentsreadbook tubedisney vlogchristine ricciobooktubebook recommendationreadsemmabooksreadingbook reviewmalibusarawithoutanhtashapolisbooksdisneylandlabook reviewsla vlogmalibu vlogshadowhuntersperuseprojectemmmatravelspolandbananasbooksbooktubertravel vlogla travel vlog

Description: I had the best time exploring LA, Disneyland, and Malibu with some of my best friends. Come along for the entire adventure! Thanks to Book of the Month for sponsoring this video! Get your first box for only $9.99 using the code EMMMABOOKS: bit.ly/3tf8jdu - friends – Monica: youtube.com/shemightbemonica Regan: youtube.com/peruseproject Sara: youtube.com/sarawithoutanh Michelle: instagram.com/tediously_brief Christine: youtube.com/polandbananasbooks Natasha: youtube.com/tashapolis - follow me - instagram: @emmmabooks twitter: @emmmabooks facebook: facebook.com/emmmabooks goodreads: bit.ly/emma-goodreads spotify: open.spotify.com/user/emmmabooks Support me on Patreon: patreon.com/emmmabooks Thank you to some of my kind patrons: Libri, Brent, Alexis, Stephanie, Zayne, Susan, Ashley, porsche, Lily, Sam, William, Fie Sejr Ravn, Erica, Domonique, Dylan, Brian, Katherine, Alexandria, Megan, Lancelot, Jasmine, Megan, Clea, Zylah, Katelynn! - want to send me a letter? - Emma Giordano P.O. Box 472 Island Park, NY 11558-1551 *Authors and publishers, do NOT send me unsolicited books without my permission. This PO Box is intended for subscriber mail ONLY* - discount codes / affiliate links - Get a free month of audiobook/ebook streaming from Scribd! If you use my link, I also get a month free!: scribd.com/gi/71vcgj //Check out my Bookshop page. If you buy books from here, I will get a small commission and so will independent bookstores!: bookshop.org/shop/emmmabooks //I order HelloFresh every week to cook delicious, healthy meals for myself. Get $100 of credit using my link: bit.ly/ebhellofresh - FTC disclaimers - -Links with an asterisk (*) indicate I was sent this book for free by a publisher, unsolicited or requested by myself -Links with a double slash (//) indicate I will receive a small commission if you decide to purchase something using that link! This video contains: -product(s) I was paid by the company in exchange for a feature [ x ] -product(s) I was sent for free by the company in exchange for a feature [ ] Music used: Music | "Voices" by LiQWYD Watch: youtu.be/sgEmBq96oVI License: liqwydmusic.com/how-to-use Download/Stream: hypeddit.com/link/a4s9jo

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