Channel: RCHeliJet
Category: Science & Technology
Tags: lockheed l-1011 tristar (aircraft model)l1011 tristarmodel airlinerturbine model jetlockheed l-1011rc scale airplaneslockheed l-1011 tristarrc scale airlinerscale turbine modelturbine (engine category)turbine modelaviones a control remotorc lockheed tristarlockheed tristarrc planeเฮลิคอปเตอร์ rcrconboard viewrc lockheed 1011 tristar遥控直升机lockheed l1011rc airlinerl-1011 tristardom escherlockheed l-1011 tristar takeoff
Description: 🌆Modell Gruppe Bassersdorf🌆 Beautiful evening Sunset and beautiful RC Airliner Tristar Lockheed L-1011, enjoy this Master piece of "RC Art" by Dom.E from Switzerland. He has build over 4x Years on this Model. Model Lockheed TriStar L-1011 Scale 1 : 16 Length: 3,40 meter Wingspan: 3,00 meter Weight 21Kg Fuel 3,5 liter for 5min flight-time Self build Turbine have 16Kg thrust DOM.E YOUTUBE-CHANNEL, CLICK HERE: TOP 100 RC VIDEOS by #RCHELIJET, CLICK HERE: VIDEO-CHAPTERS: 0:00 Start Video Intro 0:11 Foto Session 2:13 Takeoff 2:25 Onboard View 8:00 Landing (Onboard View) 8:14 Special Overflights 8:55 Landing Outside view 9:25 Roll Back 10:44 Tow Car (Pushback) Music: ES_Somnolent - Johannes Bornlof ES_Bandha - Van Sandano THANKS to my Partner My social channels,follow me here: FACEBOOK: TWITTER : FACEBOOK-GROUP: INSTAGRAM: