Channel: Ultimate Rap League
Category: Entertainment
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Description: SUBSCRIBE to ULTIMATE RAP LEAGUE ⇩ SMACK/URL PRESENTS: KINGS VS QUEENS 3 DAY 2 DROPPING FRIDAY MAY 6TH EXCLUSIVELY ON THE URLTV APP BECOME A MEMBER TODAY @ URLTV.TV UPCOMING EVENTS: CIVIL WAR SATURDAY MAY 7TH TICKETS ON SALE NOW @Universe. com OR AT THE DOOR DAY OF SHOW LINCLON THEATER 126 E CABARRUS STREET RALEIGH, NC 21 + OVER DOORS 2PM FOLLOW THE MOVEMENT ⇩ @URLTV @SMACKWHITE @BEASLEYNYC @RAIN910 @PEPILAPUGH @RAPBATTLECAST @BELIKEIKE @NUNU_NELLZ @WEGOHARDTV WATCH MORE FROM URL: Latest Battles - Best of URL - Smack Vol. 3 - Summer Madness 7 - About Ultimate Rap League URLTV, also known as Ultimate Rap League is the home of smack URL on YouTube and the world’s largest platform for the MC Battle Culture. You’ll find URL Rap Battles vs Tay Roc, Tsu Surf, Chess, Charlie Clips, Brizz Rawsteen, Rum Nitty, and many more! Subscribe for more URL Rap Battles Ultimate Rap League #battlerap #URL