Channel: King Crimson
Category: Music
Tags: king crimsonredstarlessjohn wettonrobert frippbill bruford
Description: Stormy Mundy Selection (Occasional Series - Acts of Random Archive Rummaging) Stripped of its vocals and drum track, the glittering harmonics of the acoustic guitar really shine like polished gems emerging from the glowering bass and massed ranks of cello and double bass. In this version, we also get to focus on Robin Miller’s beautiful harmony line on oboe, written by Fripp during the studio session. With the added piquancy and heat from Mark Charig’s strident cornet, heard in full here, in this context it’s possible to imagine Fallen Angel as a kind of alternative baroque pop ballad. This video is an edited extract from the latest Stormy Mundy Selection, as featured on #KingCrimson #RobertFripp